Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

A Night That Changes Everything

One night,it's about 11.30pm,one of my friends called me. She was crying. Not very loud,but I know she's been experienced a painful events. So I try to tranquillized  her. After that she told me what's going on. Suddenly, I gave her some advice,and then she's agreed. In the end,she's came back to normal. Hmmmm,I forgot how I started this but, the point is, she gave me one name. Well without thinking any longer, I find the name that my friend gave to me on my Facebook. And then..... Bingo, I got it. Firstly I was thinking "what is she doing in that aquarium?" hahaha it's sounds funny. But after a moments, I understand that it's not an aquarium. And from that night, she's changes my life. totally :D :D :D. You know,it's almost 7 months ago. Now,a thing that called "Love" have unified me and errr,the person who I though in the aquarium hahahahaha

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