Kamis, 16 Juni 2011


Dream. an activity that we've always done during sleep. in the dreamworld we could find anything that we can't meet in the real world. Anything. Is that scary or funny. But, there's also a dream, that we can meet in the real world. This kind of dream, is a combination between hopes, logic, strength, love, and struggle. This is what we called 'target and motivation'. Every single person in this world (I'm sure) have their own dreams to become what they want. And this is what motivated every person the most. Dream. Keep dreaming, hoping, and struggling to make your dreams come true. No one can stop you from dreaming. No one can stop you to become what you want. And what you are, is you. You decide your own life, you can chasing your own dreams and don't let any obstacles stop you. Your life is in your hand. Give your best for your life. I'm sure, if we can give our best for our self, the world can be a better place to live, together, in harmonies. Just don't give up. One of my friends told me that, the moment you give up, that is the moment that you're already losing your future. As long as we live, there's no finish line for struggling. Don't give up, keep dreaming and struggling, make it come true. And everything's gonna be wonderful. I'm sure, that all of you want to live in the better condition,right? This is just one of my opinion :) I'm open for critics hehe. Cheers :D

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